
This course offers advanced training in cyber threat detection and mitigation techniques essential for enhancing national resilience against evolving cyber threats. Participants will gain comprehensive insights into various modules covering legal and regulatory frameworks, threat intelligence, behavioral analytics, machine learning, and advanced cybersecurity tools and technologies. The course emphasizes proactive approaches to cyber defense, including network security monitoring, endpoint security, threat hunting, and cloud security. Moreover, participants will learn about deception technologies and strategies for building cyber resilience through continuous monitoring and improvement initiatives.

Who This Course Is For:

This course is tailored for cybersecurity professionals, government officials, law enforcement agencies, military personnel, and individuals responsible for safeguarding national infrastructure and critical assets against cyber threats. It is suitable for those seeking advanced knowledge and practical skills in cyber threat detection, incident response, and mitigation strategies tailored specifically for national security and resilience purposes. Whether you are involved in cybersecurity operations, policy development, or strategic planning within government agencies or critical infrastructure sectors, this course equips you with the expertise needed to effectively detect, mitigate, and respond to sophisticated cyber threats targeting national interests.