
The course "Online Market Research" delves into the principles and practices of conducting market research in the digital era. Participants will explore various methodologies and tools for gathering and analyzing data, including online surveys, web analytics, social media listening, focus groups, competitor analysis, and consumer behavior research. Additionally, the course covers trends, forecasting, data visualization, and ethical considerations in online market research. Through a structured curriculum, learners will gain practical insights into leveraging digital platforms and techniques to gather valuable market insights effectively.

Who This Course Is For:

This course is suitable for marketing professionals, business owners, entrepreneurs, market researchers, analysts, and anyone interested in understanding and conducting market research in the online domain. It caters to individuals looking to enhance their skills in utilizing digital tools and methodologies for market analysis. Whether you are new to market research or seeking to update your knowledge with the latest online research techniques, this course provides valuable resources and guidance for effective online market research practices.