
The "Ethical Hacking Using VEGA and ZAP Vulnerability Scanner" course provides participants with comprehensive training in ethical hacking techniques using the VEGA and ZAP vulnerability scanners. Participants will learn how to identify and exploit vulnerabilities in web applications, networks, and systems ethically, with a focus on understanding the principles of penetration testing and vulnerability assessment. The course covers the features and functionalities of the VEGA and ZAP vulnerability scanner, including scanning for common vulnerabilities such as SQL injection, cross-site scripting (XSS), and insecure configuration settings. Participants will gain practical experience in using VEGA and ZAP to conduct security assessments, analyze scan results, and generate detailed reports for remediation. Through hands-on exercises and real-world scenarios, participants will develop the skills and knowledge required to perform ethical hacking activities responsibly and effectively using VEGA and ZAP.

Who This Course Is For: This course is suitable for cybersecurity professionals, IT professionals, penetration testers, ethical hackers, and anyone interested in learning ethical hacking techniques using the VEGA and ZAP vulnerability scanner. It is ideal for individuals with a basic understanding of cybersecurity concepts and tools who want to enhance their skills in vulnerability assessment and penetration testing. Whether you are a beginner seeking to enter the field of ethical hacking or an experienced cybersecurity practitioner looking to expand your knowledge and toolset, this course will provide you with the necessary expertise to leverage VEGA and ZAP for ethical hacking purposes.