
This course delves into the intersection of artificial intelligence (AI) and remote patient monitoring (RPM), exploring how AI technologies are revolutionizing healthcare delivery outside traditional clinical settings. Participants will examine various AI applications in remote patient monitoring, including vital sign monitoring, chronic disease management, telehealth consultations, mental health monitoring, post-operative care, rehabilitation, and elderly care. The course also addresses critical considerations such as data security, privacy, integration with electronic health records (EHR), implementation strategies, and the evaluation of AI-driven remote monitoring solutions. Additionally, participants will explore future trends and innovations shaping the field of AI in remote patient monitoring.

Who This Course Is For:

This course is designed for healthcare professionals, clinicians, telemedicine practitioners, healthcare administrators, researchers, and technology developers interested in leveraging AI for remote patient monitoring. It is ideal for individuals seeking to enhance their understanding of AI applications in remote healthcare delivery and those involved in designing, implementing, or evaluating remote patient monitoring programs. Whether you are working in primary care, specialty care, telehealth services, or healthcare technology development, this course provides valuable insights into leveraging AI to improve patient outcomes and optimize remote healthcare delivery.